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Vannerie Caraibe

Research on the basketery as a Kalinago heritage in Martinique and Dominica
This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union, Culture moves Europe Funds


The Kalinago basketry is a unique technique that depends on specific plants growing in the region: the aroman « laroman » (Ischnosiphon arouma), and the cachibou (calathea lutea).Practiced centuries before the colonization by the Kalinago Natives, this « Vannerie Caraïbe » is nowperpetuated in a few communities of weavers along the arc. In Martinique, Mrs. Nicole and Mireille Bartholet, with who I learned, is one of the few weavers still practicing and teaching the processes of the craft fromgrowing the plants to the finished products.

Today, the craft is not known by many however intertwined with the ecosystems and nativeheritage. This study will form a journal of apprenticeship within a bilingual (Eng-Fr) publication onKalinago's living heritage in the islands.

Visual appendix

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